Welcome to the July issue of Drawing Matters. In this month's newsletter you will find:
- News of the recent 5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain course in London including links for viewing a slideshow of participants' work and reading course feedback.
- Drawing Coach: Choosing a Sketchbook
- Virtual Visit: This month's visit is to a site featuring the work of American portraitist, John Singer Sargent.
- What's New brings you up to date on what's new on the website - a few new features have been added in the last month so do take a look.
If your computer only allows you to view a text only version of this newsletter you can see the colour version with images
I hope you will find Drawing Matters interesting and I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions from you. Please feel free to forward it to anyone who you think might be interested. There is a link at the bottom of the page where they can subscribe.
You can contact me here
Anna Black
Course Dates
If you've always wanted to learn to draw, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is a proven technique for teaching drawing - particularly to those people who swear they could never be taught to draw!
If you want to learn the five basic skills needed for realistic drawing you can do it a five-day intensive course. Although all the UK courses for 2008 are now full you can find out about courses in the United States by following the link at the bottom of the page.
All the 5-day courses being held in London in 2008 are now fully booked. However, please contact me to be placed on the mailing list so you hear about new dates as soon as they are announced.

View a slideshow of student drawings and class photos
If you are interested in booking for next year but you are still sceptical that you will really learn the basic skills of drawing in just five days, why don't you view a slideshow showing some drawings done by participants on the latest course
here (a new window will open)

Read participant feedback on the course
You can also read some participant feedback and a more indepth account of one participant's experience
here (a new window will open)
To find out more about how the course is structured and what you will learn, click here
For further information and
a booking form, click here
Read what the media and other people have thought of the Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain drawing course devised by Betty Edwards -
here ( a new window will open)
Next month Drawing Matters: Some suggestions about how to fill up those sketchbook pages Last month, I brought a website focusing on Artists' Sketchbooks to your attention. This site can be found by visiting Drawing Resources
John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) was a an American painter and did some lovely pencil drawing portraits. A couple of these can be viewed in the Royal Collection online but a wider collection can be viewed through the link below. This is not a great site in terms of information but it does provide a good visual sense of a reasonable body of his work and as portraiture plays a key role in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain I think it's worth having a look at how he tackled it.
View the work of Singer Sargent here (a new window will open)
- Drawing Resources Be inspired and informed by visiting this page to view external websites showing work by artists from the Renaissance to the present day
- Slideshow View participant drawings and class photos
- Course Feedback Read course feedback from Anna's course
Visit these pages through the main navigation bar at Learn to Draw Right
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain USA
To find out about Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain courses run by Brian Bomeisler in the USA visit
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Anna Black
Contact Anna here