Hello - As we come to the end of the month, the days are getting longer and Spring is just round the corner! Traditionally a time for new beginnings, why not learn a new skill - but is fear getting in the way?
Is Fear Stopping You from Learning to Draw?
Carol Dweck, author of Mindset ,explains how it is not talent or abilities that determine success but the way we approach them – with a fixed or a growth mindset.
In a fixed mindset we believe our basic qualities such as intelligence or abilities are fixed traits and that talent alone creates success. With a growth mindset we believe that dedication and hard work can develop our abilities.
Everyone can learn to draw if you are willing to learn new skills and acknowledge that this can feel challenging. The more we draw the more we see and the better we become at drawing.
Too often with drawing we get caught up in not looking right – particularly early
on in a drawing – and so we give up. We aren’t willing to persevere. If we can let go of outcome and instead just keep going, following the key stages developed by Dr Betty Edwards and Brian Bomeisler and employing the four skills you will learn on the 5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® workshop, the gestalt – the essence of the object/subject – will emerge.
It is worth remembering that you are only going to grow if you are willing to step outside your comfort zone and do something different. There is no better way to activate new brain cells than try something new. Learning a new skill like drawing will do just that.
Everyone is nervous when they arrive on Day 1 but they quickly realise there is no pressure and the course is so well structured that the learning is introduced in stages and then consolidated.
I am offering two options - one for people new to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
and another for those of you who have worked with me before.
5-day Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Workshop in Scotland.
March is now full but I've added a new date for April and there is also a May date available. Places are limited and after May, the next courses will be in the autumn. I don't have any plans to be teaching in London or elsewhere in the UK in 2024.
2-day Follow-on Workshop in Scotland
I'm also delighted to be finally offering the 2-day follow-on workshop, developed by myself with Betty Edwards and Brian Bomeisler. This is for those of you who have already completed the 5-day workshop. More details below.
Both workshops will be held in Scotland and are residential. This gives you the opportunity to relax and recharge in beautiful surroundings on the shores of Loch Goil (just over an hour from Glasgow Airport or 2.5 hours from Edinburgh airport). The workshops are held in
my studio and so the group is small - maximum 5 participants - and you get to have the company of little Mac Black - my yorkipoo as a bonus! You will stay in Rowan House, the five star rated B&B run by my husband and I.
A couple of people have mentioned that my emails have gone into their spam folder so if you email me but don't hear back please check your junk folder. If you are having problems you can always use anna.black@btinternet.com.
5-day Workshop
This residential course will be held in Carrick Castle, Lochgoilhead (about 70 minutes from Glasgow international airport).
In each 5-day workshop you will get:
- 5 days of drawing
- 35 hours of teaching
- includes portfolio of drawing materials and unique Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® tools to support your drawing (RSP £115)
- Supportive and encouraging learning environment
- No more than 5 people in group
MARCH 2024
Saturday 23rd March (check-in after 4pm) until Friday 29th March 2024 (check out by 10am). The workshop is Sunday 24th - Thursday 28th March 9.30am to 5.30pm.
APRIL 2024
Monday 1st April (check-in after 4pm) until Sunday 7th April 2024 (check out by 10am). The workshop is Tuesday 2nd - Saturday 6th 9.30am to 5.30pm.
MAY 2024
Sunday 5th May (check-in after 4pm) until Saturday 11th May 2024 (check out by 10am). the workshop
begins Monday 6th May 9.30am and ends by 5.30pm Friday 10th May.

5 Days to Learn to See - and Draw!
Day 1 EDGES An introduction to Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and the importance of strengthening 'R-mode' ('right brain') so you can choose which mode of mind you can use depending on the task in hand. You will also learn about edges and how knowledge can get in the way of drawing. You will start using the unique Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain tools you will receive in your portfolio. You will also do your pre-instruction drawing.
Day 2 NEGATIVE SPACE The modified contour drawing of a foreshortened hand is all about edges and negative space. In the afternoon we draw a chair focusing on negative space and start learning how to draw things in proportion with the correct angles - sighting. We choose a chair as there is nowhere to hide and misperceptions in sighting will show up clearly.
Day 3 SIGHTING Often said to be the most difficult skill to learn, learning to sight angles and proportions correctly is
key to depicting a 3-dimensional object/scene in two dimensions.
DAY 4 PROFILE PORTRAIT You will learn key proportions for drawing someone from life in the profile view. The profile portrait is a chance to practice all the skills you have been learning.
DAY 5 BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER After learning about the theory of light and shadow (although you will be using light and shadow all through the week), the main drawing is the self-portrait. Students get to see the progress they have made compared to their pre-instruction drawings.
Whether you are interested in drawing, painting, printmaking, design, photography... learning to see as an artist sees is an essential first step. Now the journey really begins!
If you would like further information and to book please reply to this email.

2-Day Follow-on Workshop
This workshop is for you if:
- You have had a break in drawing after the 5-day workshop and are struggling to get back into it.
- You feel you were just getting the hang of the concepts at the end of the 5-day workshop and would like to reinforce and consolidate that learning.
- You are looking for an opportunity to practice and strengthen the drawing skills learned on the 5-day workshop.
APRIL 2024
Monday 15th to Thursday 18th April 2024
(Workshop Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th April 2024)
One place left
May 2024
Mon 20th May - Thursday 23rd May
(Worskhop Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd May)
Registration just opened!
HOW MUCH Course fee £195 plus accommodation fee in B&B or self-catering apartment. Further details on request.
Note - this workshop is only open to those who have completed the 5-day workshop>
You can contact Anna Black here
Please feel free to forward this to anyone who you think might be interested. There is a link at the bottom of the page where they can subscribe.
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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® USA
If you are in the USA and want to find out about Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® courses run by Brian Bomeisler in the USA and overseas visit
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