Registration is now open for Spring 2023 Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain 5-day workshops in London and Scotland. There is only place left for the March course in Scotland.
The 5-day workshop is an opportunity to give yourself the gift of time and learn the perceptual skills of drawing - and much more. Discover five of the benefits participants have reported discovering over the 5 days.
The London course will be held in Maida Vale, W9 with excellent public transport links. The course in Scotland is residential and gives you the opportunity to relax and recharge in beautiful surroundings on the shores of Loch Goil (just over an hour from Glasgow Airport). You will stay in Rowan House, the Five star rated B&B run by my husband and I. There is only 1 place left for Scotland in March.
Monday 13th February - Friday 17th February 2023
A non-residential course at the Amadeus Centre, Maida
Vale, W9
Sunday 19th March - Saturday 25th March 2023
This residential course will be held in Carrick Castle, Lochgoilhead (about 70 minutes from Glasgow international airport). Loch Goil is part of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park and is a fantastic area for walking, golf, fishing and boating.
In each 5-day workshop you will get:
- 5 days of drawing
- 35 hours of teaching
- includes portfolio of drawing materials and unique Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® tools to support your drawing (RSP £115)
- Supportive and encouraging learning environment
Find out more about course fees
"I learned that I CAN draw! Realistically, and from life! The physical evidence resides on the pages of the drawing pads in the portfolio (provided as part of the course). I honestly believed with a rock-solid certainty that it was not possible, and I was wrong. What a joy!"
Frank Edwards
Whether you haven’t picked up a pencil since schooldays or perhaps you enjoy drawing or painting but want to be able to draw from observation, the Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® 5-day workshop will teach you the perceptual skills of drawing – and more. Participants often comment on what they take away – and it might be different things for different people.
1. Learning to see
In order to be able to draw you need to be able to see – to see what is actually there rather than what you think is there…
“This course is about so much more than learning to draw. It's about learning to really see, and the curiosity that evokes.” SF
“I'm very proud of my progress…I'd recommend this course to anyone who's interested in drawing and arts or just simply wants to have fun and see the world in a new light." Palma B
“I love this feeling of freedom and potential the course has given
me, and a new way of seeing the world.” CF
2. Opening up possibilities
Often when people realise that they can actually draw, it makes them wonder what else might be possible for them. So often we stop ourselves doing something new because we tell ourself a particular story about it – usually something negative!
“what I really loved about the course was the gateway it opens up the other possibilities.”
“As a deeper benefit of doing the course I currently feel more unlocked to ‘just do it’ in various areas of my life” RS
3. Increasing confidence
The course will give you the foundational skills of drawing which you can then enjoy developing and taking in a multitude of directions.
“…how dramatically it [the course] improved my confidence and increased my pleasure in drawing” Katie N
4. A structured way of learning
The course is structured to introduce you to the 5
skills of drawing and give you plenty of opportunity to practice them – as well as give you strategies for choosing which mode of mind you want to be in. You will learn in a calm, supportive environment – benefiting from teacher support as well as others in the group.
“It was hard to believe what I had previously read about the benefits achievable from following the methods taught in the drawing exercises, but it really is working for me.” RS
“It seems that I have finally found a method of learning which works” KE
“… your course helped me reset my brain to be patient, enjoy the process and be content on learning. I doubt I would have got as far as I did trying to learn on my own.” RM
5. Increased focus and calm
When we are in the ‘zone’, time falls away and we are simply present. This state of flow is calm, focused and confident.
“I felt my brain switch into this new and different mode. The anxious and
insistent need to keep “doing stuff” disappeared, to be replaced by a calm and focus I had not experienced before.” CF
“Thank you for a splendid week. I've waited 13 years to do this course and it was worth the wait!”
Find out more about prices and locations here
If you would like further information and to book please reply to this email.

The Studio at Rowan House.
"Rowan House provided a perfect venue and relaxing environment in which to learn to draw. The studio was well ventilated, clean, comfortable and bright. It was well lit and furnished appropriately, with individual desks and comfortable chairs (and a variety of cushions available, if required). The location, with its fantastic views of the loch and surrounding mountains, only enhanced what could be described as an ideal learning environment."
Loretta Kane
Find out more about course dates & fees here
You can contact Anna Black here
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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® USA
If you are in the USA and want to find out about Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® courses run by Brian Bomeisler in the USA and overseas visit
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