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How to Expand Your Comfort Zone and Why You Should
January 26, 2025

I hope you are enjoying your weekend and survived 'the storm'! It was pretty wild at times for sure.

This week I'm talking about how important it is stretch and expand your comfort zone if you want to learn, grow and build resilience in other areas of your life. Learning a new skill is a great way to do that.

Learning to draw can feel scary - but in a small supportive group you will learn the skill of drawing plus strategies to switch off or calm down judging L-mode and cultivate R-mode.
As well as learning how to draw you'll take home the Portfolio of materials which includes unique drawing tools developed by DRSB Inc based on those used by the Old Masters.

Registration is now open for the 5-day workshop in London at the end of February and Scotland at the end of April. Places are filling up so If you'd like to give yourself your the gift of drawing, don't miss your chance.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

A sneak peek behind the scenes of a 5-day workshop - over the 5 days you will learn the skills listed below. Find out what goes on in a 5-day workshop

5-day Workshop

In each 5-day workshop you will get:
  • 5 days of drawing
  • 35 hours of teaching
  • includes portfolio of drawing materials and unique Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® tools to support your drawing (RSP £135)
  • Supportive and encouraging learning environment

London (non-residential)

FEBRUARY 2025 Monday 24th February to Friday 28th February 2025

WHERE W2 (nearest tube Royal Oak/Bayswater, with Paddington and Queensway within walking distances.

HOW MUCH Course fee £635 including portfolio (RRP £135)

Scotland (residential)

APRIL 2025 Saturday 26 April (check-in after 4pm) until Friday 2nd May (check out by 10am). The workshop begins Sunday 25th April to Thursday 1st May.

WHERE Rowan House, Carrick Castle, Lochgoilhead PA24 8AF

HOW MUCH Course fee £575 including portfolio (RRP £135) plus accommodation fee in B&B or self-catering apartment. Further details on request.

Only one place left (or two if you share a room)

If you would like further information and to book please reply to this email.

How to Expand Your Comfort Zone – and Why You Should

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Your comfort zone is where you feel safe, at ease and in control. It’s where you can carry out your usual behaviours and activities routinely and therefore with limited stress and anxiety.

It sounds good doesn’t it, however, research suggests that a certain amount of anxiety and stress can increase performance. The key words are ‘a certain amount’.

Perpetually operating beyond your capabilities isn’t helpful as we don’t have a chance to rest and recharge however, if always do what is easy and comfortable you are never going to stretch and grow.
“The larger it is, the more masterful we feel in more areas of our life. With a large comfort zone, you can take risks that really shift you.”– Rhonda Britten, Fearless Living
Learning a new skill as an adult – particularly one you thought you’d never be able to achieve – is going to take you outside your comfort zone. You probably will find it challenging at times but the benefits of expanding your comfort zone include:

Personal growth You will learn new skills, adapt and expand your personal development.

Increased confidence Successfully tackling new challenges will build self-esteem.

Acquisition of new skills These are ones you will have for life. Whether they are just a jumping off point for a new hobby or professional development – or maybe you just want to know that yes can learn something new even though you never thought it was possible!

Overcoming fears Learning a new skill as an adult can feel daunting. Learning in a supportive environment will help manage anxiety and build resilience.

Enhancing performance Overcoming challenges and fears will stand you in good stead in other areas of your life.

Opening up opportunities Being open to new experiences has the potential to expand your life personally and professionally in many different ways.

“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” – Thomas Jefferson

If you want to expand your comfort zone and learn something new, sign up for a 5-day workshop today.

If you would like further information and to book please reply to this email.


You can contact Anna Black here

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Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® USA

If you are in the USA and want to find out about Betty Edwards' Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain® courses run by Brian Bomeisler in the USA and overseas visit

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Anna Black
London, UK

Contact Anna here

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